Unit 8

Lecture #1

I. HEART ANATOMY (pgs. 554-572)

  General description: (summarize first paragraph)

  A. Approximate size and location-

  B. Discusss the apex and apical heartbeat-

  C. Coverings of the heart: (pg. 555)

    1) Pericardium (pericardinal sac)-

    2) Layers of the Pericardium:

      a) Fibrous Pericardium-

      b) Parietal Pericardium-

      c) Visceral Pericardium-

      d) Pericardial Cavity and Fluid-

    3) Wall of the Heart (discuss structures and functions) (pg. 556)

      a) Epicardium (visceral pericardium)-

      b) Myocardium-

      c) Endocardium-

    4) Interatrial and interventricular septum (wait till lecture)-

      a) Atria (discuss)-

      b) Ventricle (discuss)-

      c) Right half (wait till lecture)-

      d) Left half (wait till lecture)-

Lecture #2

    5) Pathway of blood through heart (pg. 558) (discuss each)

      a) Right atrium-

        3 vessels-

        Tricuspid Valve-

        Chordae Tendineae-

        Papillary Muscles-

      b) Right ventricle-

        Pulmonary Trunk-

        Pulmonary Semilunar Valve-

      c) Left atrium-

        Pulmonary Veins-

        Bicuspid or Mitral Valve-

        Chordae Tendinae-

      d) Left ventricle-


        Aortic Semilunar Valve-

Lecture #3


  A. Systemic Circulation (pgs. 561-562)-

  B. Coronary Circulation (pgs. 562-563)-

  C. Fetal Circulation (pgs. 912-913) (wait till lecture)-

*Umbilical Vein

*Ductus Venosus to I.V.C.

Right Atrium

*Foramen Ovale

Left Atrium

Left Ventricle
Right Ventricle

Pulmonary Artery

*Ductus Arteriosus


To Body or *Umbilical Arteries

  Define each (use idex or glossary):

    Angina pectoris-

    Myocardial Infarcation-


Lecture #4

Cardiac Cycle (pg. 565-566):



If the average heartrate = 75/min. then how long is each beat?

60 seconds divided by 75 =

.1 sec
.7 sec
.3 sec
.5 sec

Diagram-Conduction System of Heart:
(Draw and label fig. 15-19)

Cardiac Condition System of the Heart (pg. 568-570)

  A. Consists of 4 structures:

    a) Sinoatrial node

    b) Atrioventricular node

    c) A-V bundle (bundle of his)

    d) Purkinje Fibers

    1) Sinoatrial Node (discuss)-

    2) Atrioventricular Node (discuss)-

    3) A-V Bundle (discuss)-

    4) Purkinje Fibers (discuss)-

  B. Pathway (wait till lecture):

  C. Regulating Conduction System: (wait till lecture)

    1) Autonomic Nerves from Medulla Oblongata-

    2) Hormones-

Lecture #5

  Electrocardiogram (ECG) (pg. 570-571)







    Explain why atrial fibrilltion will not cause immediate death but ventricular fibrillation will?

Lecture #6

Main function (summarize the first paragraph) (pg. 739)

Why we breathe (explain in your own words)

Organs of the Respiratory System: (discuss each in detail) (pg. 740)

  1) Nose-

  2) Nasal Cavity-

  3) Nasal Septum-

  4) Nasal Conchae (Turbinate bones)-

  5) Lacrimal Duct (wait till lecture)-

  Advantages to Breathing through Nose:





  1) Sinuses (discuss in detail) (pg. 741)-

  2) Pharynx (discuss in detail) (pg. 741)-




  3) Larynx (discuss first paragraph) (pg. 742)-

    Structure (discuss second paragraph) (pg. 742)-

    Thyroid Cartilage (discuss)-

    False Vocal Cords (discuss)-

    True Vocal Cords (discuss)-

    Pitch (discuss)-

    Intensity (discuss)-

    Glottis (discuss) (pg. 744)-

Lecture #7

  4) Trachea (discuss first paragraph)-

    Structure (discuss second and third paragraph)-

  5) Bronchial Tree (discuss first paragraph)-

  Draw & label fig. 19.8

    Bronchioles-(wait till lecture)

    Alveolar ducts-(wait till lecture)

    Air sacs and alveoli- (wait till lecture)

  6) Lungs (discuss pg. 750)-

    Hilus (discuss)-

    Visceral Pleura (discuss)-

    Parietal Pleura (discuss)-

    Pleural Cavity & Serous Fluid (discuss)-

    Discuss the difference between the right and left lung (pg. 751)-

    Surface Area (wait till lecture)-

    Bronchioles (wait till lecture)-

    Surfactant (wait till lecture)-

    Blood Supply (wait till lecture)-

    Pulmonary Artery and Veins-

    Bronchial Artery and Veins-

    Breathing Mechanism (wait till lecture)-

    Atmosphere Pressure-

    Inspiration vs. Expiration-



    Control of Breathing:

    Respiratory Center-

    Amount of C02 in Blood-

    Normal Rhythm-