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Unit 3

1. Which of the following statements is true?

     a. Skeletal muscle has a single nucleus.
     b. Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs.
     c. Cardiac muscle is voluntary.
     d. Smooth muscle is voluntary.
     e. Cardiac muscle is multinucleic.

2. Fascia

     a. surrounds individual muscle fibers.
     b. separates and holds the muscle in place.
     c. connects muscles to bone.
     d. is a type of muscle tissue.
     e. both a and b are correct

3. In what region of the sacromere can you find actin and myosin myofilaments?

     a. A band
     b. I band
     c. Z band
     d. H zone
     e. I zone

4. A sarcomere stretches from what to what?

     a. one Z line to an adjacent Z line
     b. the T tubule to the sarcoplasm
     c. the middle of the I band to the middle of the A band
     d. the H zone to the I band
     e. the I band to the Z line

5. What is it called when a muscle does not have an insertion or origin?

     a. orbicularis oculi
     b. masseter
     c. sphincter
     d. both a and c are correct
     e. none of the above

6. In regards to the sliding filament theory, which of the following 
   statement is false?

     a. Actin myofilaments slide past myosin myofilaments.
     b. Both actin and myosin myofilametns shorten in order to slide 
        past one another.
     c. The sarcomere is shortened.
     d. The A band remains the same length.
     e. none of the above

7. What would happen is there is acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft?

     a. There will be a decrease in acetylcholine production by the motor 
     b. There will be a continuous stimulation of the motor end plate.
     c. There will be a destruction of acetylcholine release by the motor 
     d. There will be relaxation of the muscle.
     e. There will be an increase in ACH production by the sensory neuron.

8. What is the correct arrangement of the following structure in the order 
   in which they participate in a muscle contraction?

     a. Calcium is released, ACH is released, sarcolemma is stimulated,  
        cross-bridge is formed.
     b. Sarcolemma is stimulated, ACH is released, calcium is released,
        cross-bridge is formed.
     c. ACH is released, sarcolemma is stimulated, calcium is relesed,
        cross-bridge is formed.
     d. Cross-bridge is formed, ACH is released, sarcolemma is stimulated,
        calcium is released.
     e. ACH is released, sarcolemma is stimulated, calcium is released,
        cross-bridge is formed.

9. During the contraction phase of muscle contraction,

     a. acetylcholine stimulates the pre-synaptic terminal.
     b. calcium ions diffuse into the muscle fiber.
     c. actin-myosin slide over each other.
     d. calcium ions are transported back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
     e. acetycholine are brought back into the muscle fiber.

10. What causes tetanic contractions?

     a. Sustained contraction due to repeated rapid stimulations.
     b. The rapid movement of calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic 
     c. An increase in stimulus strength.
     d. An increased temperature in the active muscle.
     e. none of the above

11. Which of the following represents a class I lever system?

     a. weight-force-fulcrum
     b. force-weight-fulcrum
     c. weight-fulcrum-force
     d. force-fulcrum-weight
     e. fulcrum-weight-force

12. Contracting the sternocleidomastoid muscle would

    a.  raise the head.
    b.  lower the head.
    c.  rotate the head towrd the right.
    d.  rotate the head toward the left.
    e.  b, c, and d are correct

13. Threshold is

     a. a move in wrestling.
     b. the amount of calcium in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
     c. the minimun amount a acetylcholine needed to stimulate a muscle 
     d. a tummy tuck.
     e. both b and c are correct

14. What is the name of the small fibers, which are composed of myosin 
    and actin, that run the length of a muscle fiber?

     a. z-lines
     b. fascia
     c. sarcolemma
     d. sarcoplasm
     e. myofibrils

15. What is the most active muscle when it comes to raising your arm 
    to shoulder level?

     a. pectoralis major
     b. trapezius
     c. deltoid
     d. biceps brachii
     e. sternocleidomastoid

16. What are the three functions of skeletal muscle?

     a. look good, movement, run fast
     b. movement, posture, heat production
     c. keep heart beating, move food through intestines, move skeleton
     d. voluntary movements, involuntary movements, conscious control
     e. look good, run fast, moce skeleton

17. Which muscle(s) have a neuromuscular junction to each muscle fiber?

     a. skeletal
     b. smooth
     c. cardiac
     d. all of the above
     e. none of the above

18. The bulge of the calf is caused by the
    a. gastrocnemius.
    b. anterior tibialis.
    c. soleus.
    d. posterior tibialis.
    e. both a and c are correct

19. Energy required to produce ATP comes from what?

     a. aerobic respiration
     b. creatine phosphate   
     c. anaerobic respiration
     d. all of the above
     e. none of the above

20. In the body's lever systems, the

     a. joint represents the fulcrum point.
     b. force is applied by the bone.
     c. weight is the muscle.
     d. lever never moves.
     e. none of the above



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