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Unit 7

1. Nutrient-rich blood is carried from the small intestine to the 
   liver to provide food for hepatic cells by the:

 a). Hepatic Artery
 b). Aorta
 c). Hepatic Portal Vein
 d). Central Vein

2. The __________ ________ delivers oxygen-rich blood from aorta 
   to liver

 a). Unbilical Vein
 b). Hepatic Cells
 c). Hepatic Artery
 d). Central Vein

3. Blood passes thru hepatic lobules and moves out of the liver in 
   the ________  _____.

 a). Umbilical Vein
 b). Hepatic Cells
 c). Hepatic Artery
 d). Central Vein

4. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver?

 a). Protein Metabolism
 b). Breakdown of vitamins
 c). Bile secretion
 d). Carbohydrate metabolism

5. _______ _____ engulf foreign material from blood in the sinusoids.

 a). Canaliculi
 b). Hepatic cells
 c). Hepatic lobules
 d). Kupffer's cells

6. Bile produced by the gall bladder contains:

 a). Bilirubin
 b). Cholesterol
 c). Electrolytes
 d). All of the above

7. The gall bladder contracts when stimulated by the hormone _______ 
   from the small intestine.

 a). Acetylcholinesterase 
 b). Cholecystokinin
 c). Biliverdin
 d). Adrenaline

8. The three exocrine pancreatic enzymes are:

 a). trypsin, steapsin, and amylopsin
 b). amylopsin, ptyalin, and tryptophan  
 c). steapsin, trypsinogen, and polypeptin
 d). trypsin, lipase, protease

9. The middle section of the small intestine is the:

 a). Duodenum
 b). Ileum
 c). Jejunum
 d). Pylorus

10. The villi in the small intestine can be found in the:

 a). Serous layer
 b). Mucosa
 c). Submucosa
 d). Circular muscle

11. The three bundles of longitudinal muscle that cause pouches in the 
    large intestines are called:

 a). Circular muscles
 b). Haustra
 c). Stretch Receptors
 d). Tenia coli

12. Which of the following is not a constituent of fecal material?

 a). Bacteria
 b). Protein
 c). Water
 d). Bile

13. ______ acts like a soap and emulsifies fats.

 a). Blood
 b). Bile
 c). Lobules
 d). Pancreatic juice

14. Canaliculi, also known as ______ _______ are dead end canals that 
    carry bile from the hepatic cells to the bile duct.

a). Central Vein
b). Kupffer's Cells
c). Hepatic Lobules
d). Bile Canal

15. Which is NOT one of the contents found in bile?

 a). bile salts
 b). electrolytes
 c). biliverdin
 d). blood

16. Pigments that are made from the breakdown of old red cells by Kupffer's 
    cells are _________ and __________.

 a). Bilirandi and Bilverna
 b). Bilirubin and Biliverdin
 c). Bilicandin and Biliverdin
 d). Bilrubet and Bilverdi

17. What is located on the left side of the abdomen and posterior to the

a). Pancreas
b). Liver
c). Gallbladder
d). Heart

18. __________ and __________ are hormones from the duodenum that controls 
    the secretions of pancreatic cells.

a). Secretin and Pancreozymin
b). Jejunum and Glucagon
c). Glucagon and Sodium Bicarbonate
d). Insulin an Ileum

19. What is NOT a layer of the small intestine?

a). Cicular Muscle
b). Mucosa
c). Oblique Muscle
d). Intestinal Mucosa

20. ___________ activates trypsinogen from the pancreas.

a). Erepsin
b). Enterokinase
c). Lacteal
d). Maltase

21. What is NOT a function of the large intestine?

 a). Stores waste
 b). Absorbs water
 c). Compacts waste
 d). Forms glucose


1. d
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. d
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. d
12. b
13. b
14. d
15. d
16. b
17. a
18. a
19. c
20. b
21. d

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