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1.  the salivary glands secrete

     a.  gastric protease
     b.  ptyalin
     c.  pepsin
     d.  a and c
     e.  b and c

2.  The functions of saliva is (are)...

     a.  aids in taste
     b.  breaks down starch
     c.  keeps mouth moist
     d.  forms bolus 
     e.  all of the above

3.  In a permanent set of teeth there are a total of eight

     a.  premolars
     b.  incisors
     c.  canines
     d.  b and c
     e.  a and b

4.  Name the type of teeth used to tear food:

     a.  premolars
     b.  bicuspids
     c.  canines
     d.  molars
     e.  incisors

5.  What is the scientific name(s) for chewing?

     a.  chyme
     b.  micturation
     c.  deglutition
     d.  mastication
     e.  b and d

6.  Peristalsis occurs in the:

     a.  liver
     b.  small intestine
     c.  esophagus
     d.  b and c
     e.  none of the above

7.  Some of the accessory organs in the digestive system are:

     a.  teeth
     b.  tongue 
     c.  lips
     d.  a and c
     e.  a and b

8.  Cells that form the tooth cells are:
     a.  odontoblasts
     b.  ameloblasts
     c.  donteloblasts
     d.  odontoclasts
     e.  all of the above

9.  What are the three salivary glands?

     a.  submandibular, sublingual, parietal
     b.  parotid, sublingual, parietal
     c.  parietal, vallete, sublingual
     d.  submandibular, parotid, sublingual
     e.  none of the above

10.  What materials does pepsin break down?

     a.  proteins
     b.  fats
     c.  cellulose
     d.  sugars
     e.  carbohydrates

11.  Name the opening from the esophagus to the stomach which 
     could cause the feeling of heartburn

     a.  gastric pit
     b.  esophagus
     c.  cardiac orfice
     d.  pyloric sphincter
     e.  none of the above

12.  Bilirubin is
     a.  activates enzymes
     b.  found in bile
     c.  a secretion
     d.  b and c
     e.  a and c

13.  The main enzyme in gastric juice is

     a.  trypsin
     b.  ptyalin
     c.  pepsin
     d.  b and c
     e.  none of the above

14.  Structure which lines the small intestine

     a.  trachycardia
     b.  alveoli
     c.  villi
     d.  skeletal muscle
     e.  rugae majora

15.  Which structure secretes a hormone called insulin?

     a.  pancreatic cells
     b.  trypsin
     c.  alpha cells
     d.  beta cells
     e.  none of the above

16.  Which of the following cells appear dark and large on the 
     slide which secretes hormone called glucagon?

     a.  beta cells
     b.  alpha cells
     c.  pancreatic cells
     d.  columnar cells
     e.  hepatic cells

17.  Gastric juice contains

     a.  mucous
     b.  enzymes
     c.  water
     d.  hydochloric acid
    e.  all of the above

18.  Which of the following are hormones?

     a.  glucagon
     b.  cholecystokinin
     c.  pancreozymin
     d.  a and c
     e.  all of the above

19.  The function of the large intestine is to...

     a.  compact waste
     b.  absorb water
     c.  store waste
     d.  none of the above
     e.  a, b, and c

20.  This structure stores and concetrates bile.

     a.  jejunum
     b.  gall bladder
     c.  ileum
     d.  liver
     e.  pancreas

21.  Liver functions include:

     a.  stores vitamins
     b.  secretes bile
     c.  store and concentrate bile between meals
     d.  a and b
     e.  all of the above

22.  Which vein takes blood away from the liver?

     a.  umbilical vein
     b.  portal vein
     c.  hepatic vein
     d.  central vein
     e.  hepatic artery

23.  Erepsin breaks down ______ into _____.

     a.  maltose, maltase
     b.  trypsinogen, trypsin
     c.  polypeptides, peptides
     d.  peptides, amino acids
     e.  none of the above

24.  Vitamin deficiency is caused by:

     a.  failure to absorb 
     b.  liver does not store
     c.  low intake of vitamins
     d.  all of the above
     e.  none of the above

25.  There are three layers in the heart wall.  Choose the 
     answer that places them in corect order from outside to 

     a.  epicardium, endocardium, myocardium
     b.  endocardium, myocardium, epicardium
     c.  myocardium, epicardium, endocardium
     d. myocardium, endocardium, epicardium
     e.  epicarium, myocardium, endocardium

26.  Which is the thin serous membrane creating the smooth 
     outer surface of the heart?

     a.  perimetrium
     b.  epicardium
     c.  myocardium
     d.  pericardium
     e.  peritaneum

27.  The sack that covers the heart is called the:

     a.  pericardium
     b.  scrotum
     c.  myocardium
     d.  endometrium
     e.  none of the above

28.  What does the cecum absorb?

     a.  glycerol
     b.  sodium bicarbonate
     c.  amino acids
     d.  nothing
     e.  a and c

29.  In coronary circulation blood travels through the _____ 
     after it has passed through the coronary veins?

     a.  coronary sinus
     b.  right atrium
     c.  brachiocephalic vein
     d.  capillaries and myocardium
     e.  none of the above

30.  A special feature of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves in
     the heart is

     a.  purkinje fibers
     b.  chordae tendinae
     c.  papillary muscles
     d.  b and c
     e.  a and b

31.  The tissues in the heart that separates the two ventricles
     is called

     a.  cariometrium
     b.  sebum 
     c.  septum
     d.  vasovasorum
     e.  pericarial sac

32.  The part of the heart which intitiates the impulse for the 
     heart to contract is

     a.  SA node
     b.  AV bundle
     c.  right atrium
     d.  purkinje fibers
     e.  inferior vena cava

33.  What chamber of the heart receives oxygen rich blood?

     a.  aorta
     b.  right ventricle
     c.  left atrium
     d.  left ventricle
     e.  right atrium

34.  What is the term for the result of  a prolonged lack of 
     blood flow to parts of the cardiac muscle?

     a.  hypertension
     b.  angioplasty
     c.  myocarial infraction
     d.  all of the above
     e.  none of the above

35.  what is another name for the tricuspid valve?

     a.  aortic valve
     b.  pulmonary valve
     c.  brachiocephalic valve
     d.  left atrioventricular valve
     e.  right atrioventricular valve

36.  In fetal circulation, what is the hole between the right 
     atrium and the left atrium?

     a.  ductus atrius 
     b.  foramen ovale
     c.  foramen atrius
     d.  ductus venosus
     e.  none of the above

37.  The thickest ventrical of the heart is...

     a.  septum
     b.  bicuspid
     c.  cardiovascular
     d.  left 
     e.  right

38.  Which organ is not involved in the respiratory system?

     a.  heart
     b.  nose
     c.  larynx
     d.  trachea
     e.  pharynx

39.  Part above the soft palate is the...

     a.  oropharynx
     b.  larynx
     c.  pharynx
     d.  nasopharynx
     e.  laryngopharynx

40.  the functional unt of the lungs are the...

     a.  bronchi
     b.  capillaries
     c.  alveoli
     d.  nephrons
     e.  air sacs

41.  the chordae tendinae are...

     a.  layer of the heart
     b.  helps to reduce friction as the heart moves with in 
         the pericardial sac
     c.  found on the walls of the heart
     d.  attach from atrioventricular vavles to papillary muscles
     e.  located throughout the heart and create muscular 
         contractions which push the blood through the heart

42. The main function of the respiratory system is to...
     a. provide nitrogen to all the cells in the body
     b. allow the exchange of gases between an organism and its 
     c. a and b
     d. to have internal passages throughout the body
     e. none of the above

43. What is the opening into the vocal cords called?
     a. trachea
     b. lungs
     c. larynx
     d. nasopharynx
     e. glottis

44. What is the scientific name for the back of the throat?
    a. pharynx
    b. larynx
    c. epiglottis
    d. trachea
    e. none of the above

45. The normal rhythm of breaths per minute is...

    a. 16
    b. 10
    c. 18
    d. 14
    e. 12

46. Bronchioles branch_____ to _____ times

    a. 20-25
    b. 10-15
    c. 30-35
    d. 15-20
    e. 25-30

47. Which is not an advantage of breathing through the nose?

    a. taste
    b. warm or cool air
    c. smelling
    d. moistens air
    e. none of the above

48. When inhaling, does the diaphram...

    a. flatten
    b. dome up
    c. contract
    d. both a and c
    e. none of the above

49. The voice box is also known as the...

    a. epiglottis
    b. oropharynx
    c. nasopharynx
    d. larynx
    e. none of the above

50. Bronchioles are_________

    a. bronchi leading to the heart
    b. air tubes leading to aveoli
    c. veins leading to lungs
    d. both a and b
    e. air sacs leading to the sacs

51. Where is the respiratory center in the brain?
    a. pons
    b. medulla oblongata
    c. both a and b
    d. cerebellum
    e. both a and d

52. What is the scientific name for windpipe

    a. glottis
    b. trachea
    c. larynx
    d. epiglottis
    e. esophagus

53. Erythrocytes have all of the following characteristics except one:  

    a. make up 65% of blood
    b. 7-9 microns
    c. yellow / red color 
    d. no nucleus
    e. take the shape of biconcave disks

54. Oxygen goes through the aveoli into the capillaries of the 
    lungs through a process called...

    a. meiosis
    b. osmosis
    c. active transport
    d. mitosis
    e. diffusion

55. The substance which prevents air sacs from sticking together 

    a. serous fluid
    b. oxygen
    c. glottis fluid
    d. carbon dioxide
    e. none of the above

56. What percentage of blood plasma is water?

    a. 99%
    b. 30%
    c. 50%
    d. 90%
    e. 67%

57. Where are the lungs located?

    a. the thoracic cavity
    b. the cervical cavity
    c. the left side of the body only
    d. the lumbar cavity
    e. the right side of the body only

58. Which white blood cell forms antibodies?

    a. erythrocytes
    b. lymphocytes
    c. thrombocytes
    d. neutrophils
    e. hemocytoblasts

59. How many erythrocytes are there in a male per mm?

    a. 5-7 million
    b. 800 billion
    c. 4 million
    d. 6-8 million
    e. 3 million

60. Lymph re-enters the blood in...

    a. lymph ducts
    b. brachio-cephallic trunk
    c. lymph vessels
    d. subclavian artery
    e. subclavian vein

61. The function of an erythrocyte is to...

    a. pick up H2O in lungs
    b. pick up CO2 in lungs
    c. maintain normal pH of blood
    d. deliver CO2 to lungs from cells
    e. deliver O2 to lungs from cells

62. Phagocytosis is a function of what type of cell?

    a. red blood cells
    b. oocytes
    c. hurse cells
    d. white blood cells
    e. interstitual cells 

63. Which is NOT a function of a WBC?

    a. promotes tissue repair
    b. destroys old erythrocytes
    c. protects against pathogens
    d. delivers oxygen to the lungs
    e. all of the above

64. In the body, which leukocytes are the most common?

    a. Monocytes
    b. Antigens
    c. Neuthrocytes
    d. Lymphocytes
    e. Erythrocytes

65. Another term for a thrombocyte is . . .

    a. WBC
    b. Platelets
    c. RBC
    d. Monocyte
    e. Neutrophil

66. Choose which pathway the blood goes through to get to the 
    right hand from the heart.

    a. subclavian, brachial, ulnar, radial, digital
    b. digital, palmar, radial, brachial, axillary, subclavian
    c. brachial, axillary, volar, radial, digital
    d. subclavian, axillary, brachial, ulnar, radial, digital
    e. brachiochephalic, subclavian, axillary, brachial, radial, 
       volar, digial

67. What type of blood cell is most numerous?

    a. Lymphcytes
    b. Leukocytes
    c. Plaelets
    d. Erythrocytes
    e. none of the above

68. Which of the following is NOT a layer of he artery wall?

    a. tunica externa
    b. tunica intima
    c. tunica medulla
    d. tunica media
    e. all are layers of the artery wall

69. What vein is NOT located in the arm?

    a. brachial
    b. saphenous
    c. cephalic
    d. ulnar
    e. basalic

70. Blood pressure's measurements are given as :

    a. systole/diastole
    b. diastole
    c. systole
    d. diastole/systole
    e. none of the above

71. The precapillary sphincter is locaed at the end of

    a. arterioles
    b. venuoles
    c. affrent vessels
    d. arteries
    e. veins

72. Veins . . .
    a. have no pulse
    b. maintain form when empty
    c. are under high pressure
    d. are tight and firm
    e. none of the above

73. Veins have many ____ in the lower extremities?

    a. capillaries
    b. layers
    c. cells
    d. valves
    e. all of the above

74. What is the functional unit of the kidney?
    a. neuron
    b. tubule
    c. capillaries
    d. alveoli
    e. nephron

75. The function of the urinary system is to

    a. store urine
    b. remove urine
    c. form urine
    d. filter and remove unwanted material
    e. all of the above

76. Capillary wall contain, on the average, ____ call(s)

    a. 200
    b. 100
    c. 10
    d. 20
    e. 1

77. High blood pressure can be caused by

    a. heart rate
    b. elasticity of artery walls
    c. viscosity of blood
    d. a and b
    e. all of the above

78. How many ml. of urine can the bladder hold?

    a. 100
    b. 250
    c. 1000
    d. 50
    e. 600

79. This structure is found in both male and female excretory 
    systems . . .

    a. corpus luteum
    b. uterus
    c. urethra
    d. vas deferens
    e. there are no structures found in both

80. What are the layers of the kidney?

    a. medulla, cortex, pelvis
    b. pelvis, submandibular
    c. pectoralis major, medulla cortex
    d. pelvis, medulla intima
    e. none of the above

81. What microscopic structure forces plasma out in the kidneys?

    a. efferent arterioles
    b. afferent arterioles
    c. peritubular canal
    d. glomerulus
    e. none of the above

82. the renal pelvis is ____

    a. where the pyramids are located
    b. the middle layers of the kidney
    c. the outermost layer of the kidney
    d. hollow and bag like
    e. none of the above

83. Which structure in the renal corpuscle reabsorbs the good things 
    and leaves the bad such as uric acid?

    a. nephron
    b. peritubular cavity
    c. proximal convoluted tubule
    d. glomerulus
    e. loop of henle

84. Which of the following substances should not be found in urine?

    a. salts
    b. urea
    c. excess H20
    d. excess glucose
    e. uric acid
85. the ____(s) lead from the kidneys to the urinary bladder

    a. urethra
    d. umbilical cord
    c. vas deferens
    d. ureter
    e. renal papilla

86. A function of the calyces is to

    a. collect urine from each lymph node
    b. collect urine from each papilla
    c. hold nephrons
    d. none of the above
    e. all of the above

87. What layer in the kidneys contains nephrons and how many are 

    a. medulla; 100000
    b. pelvis; 1 billion
    c. medulla; 100
    d. cortex; one million
    e. cortex; one trillion

82. the renal pelvis is ____

    a. where the pyramids are located
    b. the middle layers of the kidney
    c. the outermost layer of the kidney
    d. hollow and bag like
    e. none of the above

83. Which structure in the renal corpuscle reabsorbs the good things 
    and leaves the bad such as uric acid?

    a. nephron
    b. peritubular cavity
    c. proximal convoluted tubule
    d. glomerulus
    e. loop of henle

84. Which of the following substances should not be found in urine?

    a. salts
    b. urea
    c. excess H20
    d. excess glucose
    e. uric acid
85. the ____(s) lead from the kidneys to the urinary bladder

    a. urethra
    d. umbilical cord
    c. vas deferens
    d. ureter
    e. renal papilla

86. A function of the calyces is to

    a. collect urine from each lymph node
    b. collect urine from each papilla
    c. hold nephrons
    d. none of the above
    e. all of the above

87. What layer in the kidneys contains nephrons and how many are there?

    a. medulla; 100000
    b. pelvis; 1 billion
    c. medulla; 100
    d. cortex; one million
    e. cortex; one trillion

88.  How long does the menstral cycle last?
     a.  30
     b.  35
     c.  20
     d.  28
     e.  29

89.  What organ has the following three layers:  endometrium, 
     myometrium, and perimetrium

     a.  ovaries
     b.  uterus
     c.  vagina
     d.  testes
     e.  urethra

90.  What is the name of the stage where progesterone is released?

     a.  proliferation
     b.  ovulation
     c.  fertilization
     d.  menstruation
     e.  secretory

91.  The vestibule is the entrance where the _____ and the _____ 
     have in common

     a.  Vagina and ureter
     b.  cervix and uterus
     c.  uterus and bladder
     d.  vagina and urethra
     e.  uterus and oviducts

92.  The scientific name for urination is:

     a.  micturation
     b.  modius ureaca
     c.  flatialation
     d.  uriciationopdedis
     e.  a and c

93.  Male's gametes are_____

     a.  testosterone
     b.  sperm
     c.  ovum
     d.  estrogen
     e.  a and b

94.  When the pituitary gland secretes the luteinizing hormome, 
     this causes _____ and the follicle becomes corpus luteum

     a.  ovulation
     b.  estrogen
     c.  secretory
     d.  menstruation
     e.  proliferation

95.  The accessory structure(s) of the male reproductive system 
     that secretes pre-ejaculatory fluid is/are the

     a.  seminal vesicles
     b.  ejaculatory ducts
     c.  prostate gland
     d.  bulbouretral glands
     e.  none of the above

96.  A group of cells forming a chamber which houses an oocyte 
     and produces estrogen is

     a.  fimbria
     b.  ovaries
     c.  corpus luteum
     d.  follicle
     e.  vas deferens

97.  The corpus luteum secretes:

     a.  testosterone
     b.  semen
     c.  estrogen
     d.  progesterone
     e.  none of the above

98.  What is the top part of the uterus called?

     a.  body
     b.  fundus
     c.  cortex
     d.  cervix
     e.  none of the above

99.  What is the function of estrogen?

     a.  causes endothelium to thicken
     b.  stimulates the growth of the ovum
     c.  stimulates the development of the corpus lutcum
     d.  maintains sec. sex characteristics
     e.  a and b

100.  The three layers of the ureter are:

     a.  fundus, body, cervix
     b.  mucous membrane, smooth muscle, and fibrous connective 
     c.  cortex, medulle, and pelvis
     d.  endometriu, myometrium, and perimnetrium
     e.  none of the above


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