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Practice Test 1
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1. The ability of an organism to sense changes that take place within its 
   body is an example of __________.
     a. movement
     b. respiration
     c. responsiveness
     d. adaptation
     e. none of the above

2. Which of the following processes is not concerned with maintaining the 
   life of an adult organism?

     a. responsiveness
     b. movement
     c. reproduction
     d. metabolism
     e. homeostasis

3. Physical and chemical changes or reactions that occur within the body 
   are collectively known as __________.

     a. metabolism
     b. physiology
     c. assimilation
     d. excretion
     e. anatomy

4. Which of the following list best illustrates the idea of increasing 
   levels of complexity?

     a. cells, tissues, organelles, organs, systems
     b. tissues, cells, organs, organelles, s ystems
     c. organs, organelles, systems, cells, tissues
     d. organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems
     e. cells, organs, systems, organelles, tissues

5. Homeostasis is defined as the

     a. ability of human beings to keep body weight within normal limits.
     b. maintenance of a constant external temperature inside a room.
     c. ingestion of enough food to keep hunger pains from developing.
     d. tendency of the body to maintain a stable environment.
     e. capability for the heart to pump blood throughout the body constantyly.  

6. Which of the following is not an example of a homeostatic mechanism?

     a. Shivering when body temperature falls below normal limits.
     b. Increasing heart rate and contraction force when blood pressure fails.
     c. Pulling blankets over yourself when cold at night.
     d. Secreting insulin after a meal to decrease blood sugar concentration.
     e. Sweating to get rid of excess body heat.

7. Which of the following is not one of the four basic types of body tissues?

     a. Epithelial tissue
     b. Connective tissue
     c. brain tissue
     d. Muscle tissue
     e. Nervous tissue

8. Cardiac muscle is found in the wall of the

     a. stomach.
     b. intestine.
     c. urinary bladder.
     d. heart.
     e. liver.

9. The type of muscle found in blood vessels in

     a. cardiac. 
     b. smooth.
     c. striated.
     d. voluntary.
     e. involuntary.

10. The ways in which the skin promotes loss of excess body heat are

     a. dilation of dermal blood vessels.
     b. activation of eccrine sweat glands to release more sweat to skin surface.
     c. loss of heat by radiation, conduction, evaporation and convection.
     d. all of the above
     e. none of the above

11. The subcutaneaous layer consists of

     a. epithelial tissue.
     b. loose connective tissue and adipose tissue.
     c. epithelial and loose connective tissue.
     d. adipose tissue and skeletal muscle tissue.
     e. connective and skeletal muscle tissue.

12. When a person exercises on hot, humid days, there is a danger of developing

     a. fatigue and dizziness.
     b. heat exhaustion.
     c. headache, muscle cramps, and nausea.
     d. all of the above
     e. only b and c are correct

13. The epidermis is distinguished by being __________, whereas the dermis is 
    distinguished by being __________.

     a. the innermost layer of skin; under the epidermis
     b. composed largely of fibrous connective tissue; composed of 
        stratified squamous epithelial tissue
     c. the outermost layer of skin; composed of stratified squamous 
        epithelial tissue
     d. composed of stratified squamous epithelial tissue; composed of 
        fibrous connective tissue
     e. the outermost layer of the skin; under the dermis

14. The deepest cells of the epidermis make up the stratum

     a. corneum.
     b. basale.
     c. granulosum.    
     d. spinosum.
     e. both b and c are correct

15. Ruffini's corpuscles are

     a. located in the deep dermis.
     b. sensitive to heat.
     c. most abundant on the soles of the feet.
     d. all of the above
     e. only a and b are correct

16. The location of the fingers in relation to the elbow is
     a. anterior.
     b. posterior.
     c. distal.
     d. proximal.
     e. lateral.

17. If the temperature of the surroundings is considerably lower than the 
    temperature of the body, heat is lost primarly through

     a. radiation.
     b. evaporation.
     c. conduction.
     d. convection.
     e. insensible perspiration.

18. Which of the following statements is true about hair structure?

     a. Wavy hair is produced by a round follicle.
     b. The shaft is part of the hair exposed above the skin.
     c. The cuticle contains the pigment which determines hair color.
     d. The majority of hair consists of living cells.
     e. both c and d are correct

19. The waterproof layer of the epidermis that is one of the principle defenses 
    of the body against bacterial invasion and mechanical injury is the

     a. stratum germinativum.
     b. dermis.
     c. stratum spinosum.
     d. stratum corneum.
     e. stratum granulosum.

20. The appendage (accessory organ) of the skin which produces a secretion 
    containing oil, wax, and cellular waste is the

     a. sweat gland.
     b. sebaceous gland.
     c. dermal papilla.
     d. hair follicle.
     e. adipose tissue.

21. Which of the following cutaneous senses can we not adapt to?
     a. Touch
     b. Pressure
     c. Pain
     d. Cold
     e. Heat

22. The production of excess pigment in the skin is stimulated mainly by

     a. ultraviolet rays.
     b. infrared rays.
     c. vitamin C.
     d. vitamin D.
     e. insensible perspiration.

23. The structure that is responsible for forming "goose bumps" when one is 
    cold is called the

     a. sebaceous gland.
     b. ruffini's corpuscle.
     c. sweat gland.
     d. arrector pili.
     e. dermal papilla.

24. The ridges appearing on the palmar surface of the fingers are formed by the

     a. melanin.
     b. stratum germinativum.
     c. subcutaneous layer.
     d. keratin.
     e. dermal papilla.

25. The opening of a sweat duct on the surface of the skin is the

     a. cyst.
     b. pore.
     c. germinal papilla.
     d. pustule.
     e. none of the above

26. The term best used to describe the front or belly-side of the human body is

     a. posterior.
     b. ventral.
     c. dorsal.
     d. medial.
     e. superior.

27. Apocrine sweat glands

     a. are associated with hair follicles in the adult.
     b. secrete mainly water with some salt.
     c. produce a somewhat milky, odorous secretion.
     d. are foud only in humans.
     e. both a and c are correct

28. How many dorsal body cavities does a human have?

     a. 2
     b. 1
     c. 0
     d. 4
     e. 3

29. Melanin

     a. absorbs ultraviolet rays.
     b. is produced by melanocytes.
     c. produces vitamin D.
     d. all of the above are correct
     e. only a and b are correct

30. Which of the following is not considered a major system of the body?

     a. Digestive
     b. Respiratory
     c. Reproductive
     d. Kidney
     e. Circulatory

1. c
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. d
6. c
7. c
8. d
9. b
10. d
11. b
12. d
13. d
14. b
15. d
16. c
17. a
18. b
19. d
20. b
21. c
22. a
23. d
24. e
25. b
26. b
27. a
28. a
29. e
30. d


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