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Unit 8

1. The serous membrane that surrounds the heart is called the:

   a. dermacardium
   b. pericardium
   c. myocardium
   d. serous coat

2. The right half of the heart:

   a. receives blood from the body and sends blood to the lungs
   b. receives blood from the body and sends it to the lungs
   c. receives blood from the body and sends it back out to the body
   d. receives blood from the lungs and pumps it to the lungs

3. The tiny structures attached to the tricuspid and bicuspid valves to 
   prevent them from opening the wrong way are called:

   a. papillary muscles
   b. corornary vessels
   c. coronary sinuses
   d. chordae tendinae

4. The strongest and thickest valve in the heart with two flaps is the:

   a. aortic semilunar valve
   b. bicuspid valve
   c. mitral valve
   d. either b or c

5. After blood is pumped by the heart to the capillaries of the 
   myocardium, it goes to the:

   a. lungs
   b. right atrium
   c. coronary sinus
   d. coronary veins

6. Which of the following is not a special feature of the fetal 
   circulation system?

   a. umbilical arteries
   b. atrial septum
   c. ductus arteriosus
   d. foramen ovale

7. The procedure involving a small balloon to open a blocked artery 
   is called a(n):

   a. angioplasty
   b. infarction
   c. angina
   d. cholesterolectomy

8.  The "pacemaker" of the heart that causes it to contract through 
    an electric impulse is called the:

   a. atrioventricular node
   b. atrioventricular bundle
   c. defibrillator
   d. sinoatrial node

9. What is the name of the recording of electrical changes that occur 
   in the cardiac cycle?

   a. electrocardiagram
   b. angiogram
   c. monogram
   d. CAT scan

10. The bones that divide the nasal cavity into meatuses and increase 
    surface area are the:

   a. nasal septums
   b. mucous membranes
   c. nasal conchae
   d. lacrimal ducts

11. The portion of the pharynx that extends down to the esophagus is the:

   a. larynx
   b. laryngopharynx
   c. oropharynx
   d. nasopharynx

12. Tightening of the vocal cords will create a sound that has a:

   a. greater volume
   b. less volume
   c. lower tone
   d. higher tone

13. What is the fluid found between the two pleurae of the lungs that 
    helps lubricate them?

   a. serous fluid
   b. water
   c. mucous fluid
   d. none of the above

14. The substance manufactured in the alveoli to prevent them from 
    sticking together during exhalation is called:

   a. pleural fluid
   b. surfactant
   c. bronchial fluid
   d. mucous

15. During inhalation:

   a. the diaphragm contracts
   b. the ribs elevate
   c. the pressure inside the chest cavity decreases
   d. all of the above

16. What part of the brain is responsible for the control of breathing?

   a. the pons
   b. the medulla oblongata
   c. the hypothalamus
   d. both a and b

17. What is considered to be the normal breathing rate?

   a. 60 breaths/minute
   b. 30 breaths/minute
   c. 18 breaths/minute
   d. 10 breaths/minute

18. The innnermost lining of the heart is the:

   a. fibrous pericardium
   b. parietal pericardium
   c. visceral pericardium
   d. none of the above

19. The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle with 
    four flaps is the:

   a. mitral valve
   b. quadracuspid valve
   c. tricuspid valve
   d. semilunar valve

20. The aorta pumps ninety percent of the blood to the body. Where is 
    the remaining ten percent pumped?

   a. coronary arteries
   b. myocardial capiallaries
   c. coronary veins
   d. right atrium


1. b
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. d
9. a
10. c
11. b
12. d
13. a
14. b
15. d
16. d
17. c
18. b
19. c
20. a

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