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COURSE STRUCTURE: Anatomy and Physiology is a college preparatory science course. It is divided into 10 units of study, which upon successful completion, will give you 10 units of credit. We will meet for class everyday in Room 541. An attempt will be made to mix lab and lecture each period.

COURSE PROCEDURE: Each unit in A&P will concentrate on a particular system or related systems of the human body. Develop (or maintain) good study habits at the beginning and the course will flow much smoother. For each unit of study, you  will receive two booklets. One is a LAB BOOKLET and will contain the instructions and questions pertaining to the experiments. DO NOT WRITE IN THE LAB BOOKLET! Lab booklets must be returned in good condition. If a booklet is lost or returned in poor condition, you will have to pay $1.00 to replace it. The other booklet contains worksheets which you will complete and turn in for grading. If you lose your WORKSHEET PACKET, it will cost you another $1.00.

1. UNIT NOTEBOOKS (Each student should follow these steps)

   a). Every time a new lab booklet is started, remember to look through both the labs and worksheets to become familiar with what is expected. Begin wth Unit 1, Introduction and the Integumentary System.

   b). Start with the first item in the Table of Contents. If it is a lab exercise, you will need to start this next time you are in class. If it is a reading assignment, it should be completed at home before your next scheduled lab.

   c). The Unit Notebook should be written in ink on binder paper (never typed, which includes computer printouts). You should make your own title pages. (Be creative, but keep them in good taste, they are worth extra credit). Please write up labs on ONE SIDE of the paper only. For each lab write-up, include the lab number, title, purpose, hypothesis, data, answered questions, and conclusions in that order. Use complete sentences at all times.

   d). Every lab must receive a verification signature (SIG). If you fail to obtain the signature, you will receive no credit for the lab. To qualify for a verification signature, Moreno or your Lab Tech must have observed you during the exercise in question. We shall check to make sure you are keeping up with the reading.

2. WORKSHEET PACKET: Worksheets will be collected in segments. Please make them neat and staple them in the proper order. They will be graded and returned to you prior to the test. The microscope drawing sheets and data tables should be removed and placed with the corresponding lab write-up in the notebook. Even though the labs should be written up in ink, the drawings should be completed in pencil only. You will need a set of colored pencils for use on several of the worksheets.

3. TESTS AND QUIZZES: The title page of the Worksheet Booklet consists of a series of YOU SHOULD KNOW statements. Use it as a study guide when preparing for the test. You will be provided with a list of essay questions for each test. Since I show you the essays ahead of time, in depth, accurate answers are expected. The tests are all half multiple choice and half short answer and essays. There will also be one announced quiz approximately two weeks into the unit. At the end of the semester there will be a written final exam and a lab project. Unit tests missed due to an excused absence must be made up after school 2 weeks from the test date. Make up tests will cover the same material, but will be an entirely different test form and their essays will not be given in advance. TESTS OR ASSIGNMENTS MISSED DUE TO UNEXCUSED ABSENCES CANNOT BE MADE UP.

   Unit quizzes must be made up on the announced make-up day. The make-up day is usually after school. If you miss the make-up quiz your grade will be a zero.

4. TEXTBOOK: In A&P you will be issued a college level text entitled Human Physiology and Anatomy. It is a relatively new book. It is a fantastic text and although it is thick and somewhat heavy, it reads very well. It costs $38.00 and must be covered at all times and returned in very good condition at the end of the school ear. If this book is damaged, be prepared to purchase a new copy for next year's class. Due to increased enrollment this year, we have no spare books.

5. LABORATORY PROCEDURE: Lab activities will take place for part of the period during most class meetings. When you enter the room, please sit in your assigned desks. I will always have something to say (announcements, lecture, lab instructions, etc.), and when I have finished you may move to your lab stations.

*This procedure should be followed when a student enters the lab and
begins to work on an exercise:

a). Please read the lab exercise compeltely before you come to class. Occasionally, pre-lab write-ups will be due.

b) The equipment necessary for the exercise will be placed in a well marked location. Obtain all necessary equipment and begin the activity.

c) Prepare your lab report on scratch paper as you do the exercise. Make sure that you answer the questions and ask the teacher or lab tech if you need help.

d) Obtain a verication signature from Moreno or the Lab Tech. Retain the rough copy of the lab with the signature until it can be transfered to your final draft. If you run out of time in lab, obtain a half sig and finish the lab questions at home. You must obtain a full sig the following day.

e) Return all materials and equipment to the correct place and clean the equipment if necessary.

f) Clean up the work area so you don't cause problems for the students in the next period.

OPEN LAB is available for assistance and makeup work. Open labs will be announced at the beginning of the year.


I will use the point system in A&P. Each unit will be worth 100 points. These points are derived from the following:

Lab Notebook     =      32
Worksheets       =      18
Quiz             =      10
Test             =      40
TOTAL            =      100 points

In most cases you will know your scores within 1 week of
completion. You total points (also you percentage in this case)
will determine you letter grade for each unit. Semester grades
will be based on your percentage of the total possible points.

     90-100     =      A
     80-89      =      B
     70-79      =      C
     60-69      =      D
     0-59       =      F

The notebooks will be graded in the following manner. When they are collected, they will be surveyed to make certain all labs have the necessary verification signatures. Points will be deducted for those missing. A student volunteer will choose a random lab number from the hat. The "selected lab" will then be graded extensively, looking at the scientific content, written expression, format, grammar, spelling, neatness, etc. Providing the notebook has all the required signatures, the percent score on the "selected lab" will be used to determine the total notebook score. It will be to your advantage to write up every lab with care.

7. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each scheduled meeting. If you come in late, please make sure that the Lab Tech doesn't mark you absent. If you must leave the room, notify me of your need and I (not the lab tech will issue you a pass). School detention will be served for both tardies and unexcused absences. Please get to class on time. The passing period between periods is 6 minutes. You need to be in the classroom when the bell sounds or you will be considered late. Excessive absences (more than 5 per quarter) or tardies (more than 5 per quarter) will result in extra assignments for you. Failure to complete the assignments will lower your grade. Work missed during excused absences must be made up at the next scheduled Open Lab.  In cases of prolonged absences, students may make special arrangements for completing their assignments. No make up work will be accepted for unexcused absences.

8. Cheating Policy:
If a student is caught cheating on a quiz or a test, he/she will recieve no points on the exam.  If you copy another student's lab write-up or worksheets, both the person copying and the one supplying the material will recieve zero points on the assignment.  In lab you are encourages to work together, but I don't care to grade identical papers.

9.  Time Schedules. It is very important that you remaim caught up in A&P.  A schedule of time limits for each until has been provided on the following page.  Post it at home.  LATE NOTEBOOKS or WORKSHEETS will be penalized 2 points/day and LATE TESTS are not accepted.

10.  Extra Credit
20 points of extra credit can be obtained per semester. Extra credit can be accumulated by making flashcards, creative title pages, attending guest speaker presentations and keeping up with the reading.  Extra credit is added only at the end of each semester.  Under no circumstance is extra credit added to quarter grades.

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